L. John Cypher, Chairman - 724-352-0056
Lois J. Rankin, Vice-Chair - 724-822-8858
Braden Beblo, Supervisor - 724-290-1994
Manager/Open Records Officer (RTK)/Permits Officer - Leo J. Rosenbauer III
Email: jefftwpmgr@zoominternet.net
Secretary/Treasurer - Lois Fennell
Email: jefftwpbutlerpa@zoominternet.net
Municipal No Lien Letters
Request in writing with property owner's name, address of property, and Map & Parcel Number AND include the $15.00 fee for each parcel.
157 Great Belt Rd, Butler PA 16002
Phone: 724-352-2324 or Fax: 724-352-8850
Township office hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30AM - 4:30PM (Closed on Fridays)
Nadine Grabe, 245 Heller Road, Butler, PA 16002; Phone: 724-352-3288; Call for hours or appointment
Tax Certification Letters - $25.00 – mail request with check
Pay BY MAIL anytime OR call for an appointment. Otherwise, if you wish to drop-off your payment, there is a locked drop box located on her porch at 245 Heller Road, Butler, PA. It is NOT secure to leave cash at any time!!
Whether dropping off or mailing, if you wish to have a receipt, please include the entire tax bill with your payment (no cash or credit cards) AND a self-addressed stamped envelope for her to mail back to you. It is NOT secure to leave cash at any time!! Her phone number and address are on your tax cards.
BERKHEIMER Tax Administrator - 866-701-7206
103 South Duffy Rd., Butler, PA 16002; website: www.hab-inc.com;
Earned Income Tax + Local Services Tax 724-282-0377
William Foertsch, Foreman
Garage Phone - 724-352-4740
Leo J. Rosenbauer III
Phone: 724-352-2324
Email: Jefftwpmgr@zoominternet.net
REVIEWS ALL building permits/driveway permits/subdivisions/land developments/stormwater plan, etc. AND Investigates code violations.
Leo Rosenbauer, Chairman 724-352-2324
Meetings: 3rd Mon. @ 6:00 p.m.
Brian Patten, Chairman, 724-816-3007
Meetings: 1st Wed @ 8pm; No meetings Jan, Nov, and Dec
Doug Duncan, Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer - 724-679-4860
Dave McGuigan - 877-821-0337 ex.24
Building permits and inspections - including electrical inspections
CJ Burns - 724-822-4655
Dennis Sybert – 724-352-4732
PA Senator 21st District
Scott E. Hutchinson, 110 East Diamond St., Butler, PA 16001 - 724-282-1234
PA Representative 11th District
Marci Mustello, 100 Barracks Rd., Kerven Bldg., Butler, PA 16001 - 724-283-5852
US Congressman 15th District
Glenn GT Thompson, 127 W. Spring St., Suite C, Titusville, PA 16354 - 814-827-3985
US Congressman 16th District
Mike Kelly, 101 E. Diamond St., Suite 210, Butler, PA 16001 - 724-282-2557
US Senators
Robert Casey, Jr. (D) 393 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 806-802-2833
John Fetterman (D) B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-4254
School District:
Knoch School District
328 Knoch Rd., Saxonburg PA 16056
South Butler Community Library
Michelle Lesniak, Director
Saxonburg Authority (limited sewer available around Saxonburg Borough) 724-352-1400
Butler Area Sewer Authority SOLD to PA American Water 800-565-7292 (MAY be some northern Saxonburg Road)
PA American Water 800-565-7292
Consolidated Communications
724-443-9521 res. phone/9535 business phone
724-443-2000 res. Internet/9535 business Internet
724-444-1234 cable
Armstrong Cable (cable, phone and internet; available in most areas) 724-482-4480
West Penn Power - 800-255-3443
Central Electric Co-Op., Inc. 800-521-0570
Peoples TWP (merged with T.W. Phillips) 800-764-0111 or 724-283-8100
Township 1.00 mill (2023)
County 27.626 mills (2023)
School 94.275 mills (2022-2023)
EMS Tax (Occ. Priv.) $52.00 flat
Per Capita $ 5.00 flat
Earned Income 1% (total)
Deed Transfer 1% (total)
Driveway Permit onto Township Road - min. $50.00
Driveway Permit onto State Road - contact PennDot : 724-357-2898 Indiana
Building Permit - varies due to PA Uniform Construction Code
Septic Permit - Contact Township Office or SEO, Doug Duncan
Overweight – Road Occupancy $300.00 / Utility ROP – per State list
Jefferson Township Municipal Building
157 Great Belt Road, Butler PA 16002
Office Phone: 724-352-2324 or Office Fax: 724-352-8850
Office Email: Jefftwpbutlerpa@zoominternet.net
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